Grace Martin Franklin Art
About the ArtistGrace Martin is an abstract artist based in Raleigh, North Carolina. She graduated from Meredith College with a Bachelor of Science in Interior Design and a minor in Art. She later earned a K-12 teaching license in visual art. Grace found her passion in teaching high school and currently works at Longleaf School of the Arts as a Visual Arts Teacher and Dean of the Arts. She continues to develop her own artwork through exploration of various mediums, as well as through her work with students. "Echos Through the Horizon" Acrylic on Canvas 48" x 24" - SOLD
Read more about the artist in the Voyage Raleigh article below:
Available ArtworkThe "Available Artwork" page features works displayed in various galleries, shops, studios, and restaurants in Raleigh and Wilmington. All artworks can be purchased either through the venues where they are displayed or by contacting the artist directly.
All works in the available section of the website include the size, medium, and pricing. More images can be provided by the artist to interested parties. To purchase, please go to the contact page or email [email protected]. |
Artwork Displays
Hart and Hill Interiors 5827 Oleander Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 |